63. Darkness (Tamas)

I release the trap of passivity and remain actively engaged in my spiritual journey.
I understand that acting in alignment with my dharma is essential for my growth. With awareness and discipline, I keep moving forward, letting go of illusions and striving for the enlightenment I seek.
Om Tamase Namah
Om Jyotir Gamaya Namah
In Sanskrit tamas means dark, relating to darkness. Darkness is an absence of light. Light is knowledge; dark is ignorance; ignorance is mind. And tamas has a second literal meaning in Sanskrit: it means snake. Tamas is a dark snake, the longest snake in the game, one that inexorably draws the player back into illusion and out of the illumination of the plane of reality.
In the seventh chakra, tamas is the ignorance that comes from attaching importance to sense perceptions. This ignorance comes after one realizes happiness and thinks that it is the end of the performance of karmas. But the player cannot stop all karmas. From happiness, the highest karma is a six, the lowest a one. Action cannot stop entirely.
Tamas is complete surrender to illusion. The player has lost sight of the never-ending nature of play. He has forgotten that until liberation is attained the game is not over. Inaction is an attempt to avoid the law of karma. Karma is dharma in action. The player who lands in tamas has forgotten that play does not stop in the seventh row and that by attaining samadhi he has not attained liberation. When movement slows in the upward direction, it must still be expressed—and the only direction from the highest chakra is down. The longest snake in the game awaits the player who neglects his karmas.
Three factors are at work in any event. The first is dharma, the essence of action. The second is karma, the action itself. The third is inaction, inertia, resistance. Because of the nature of the game, inaction triggers a downward flow of energy. Karmas are unavoidable. Attempting to avoid them is a karma itself, an action. Attempting to avoid karma is a karma that draws the player back to the second space of the game, illusion.
Tamas is synonymous with the state of deep sleep. When the sensory organs are completely withdrawn and awareness dissolves in sleep, the player is no better than a corpse, even though he is still breathing. In meditation, when all activities of the mind completely stop and the sense perceptions are drawn inward, it becomes easy for the player to slide ever so gently from the sattvic actionless state into the hypnogogic state, ending in deep sleep. For this reason tamas falls in the seventh row of the game.
It is here that tamas becomes a snake. At other spaces where he has vibrated, tamas has been necessary for the player. But here, in the plane of meditation (a form of inaction), tamas is a snake that changes the entire course of energy flow, drawing the player back to illusion. An attribute of tamoguna, tamas is the manifestation of the guna in the microcosm. When the same force is discussed as an attribute of Prakriti, the phenomenal plane, it is known as tamoguna.
Here is an artwork depicting the concept of tamas (darkness) as described in the text. The scene symbolizes tamas as a dark snake, representing the draw back into illusion and away from the illumination of reality. The artwork reflects darkness as an absence of light, equated with ignorance and mind, especially in the seventh chakra. It captures the essence of complete surrender to illusion, the loss of sight of the never-ending nature of play, and the forgetting of the continuous journey towards liberation. The colors are dark and somber, illustrating deep sleep, inaction, and inertia. Tamas is portrayed as a transformative force, changing the course of energy flow and drawing the player back to illusion. This artwork embodies the complex interplay of light, darkness, action, and inaction in the spiritual journey.
Tamas, the darkness, where light cannot reach,
A serpent of shadows, with a hypnotic speech.
Ignorance whispers, a seductive call,
Luring from knowledge, a beautiful thrall.
In the seventh chakra, a trap it does lay,
Mistaking nirvana for the end of the play.
Action is dharma, karma's embrace,
But tamas seeks stillness, a stagnant space.
Sense and perception, a web it will weave,
Blinding with pleasure, the soul to deceive.
Forgotten the journey, the purpose untold,
Liberation's distance, left to unfold.
In the seventh chakra, a trap it does lay,
Mistaking nirvana for the end of the play.
Action is dharma, karma's embrace,
But tamas seeks stillness, a stagnant space. (
Deep sleep's embrace, a seductive call,
Where awareness fades, and we're nothing at all.
Meditation's peace, a dangerous line,
Tamas can turn it, to a slumber divine.
In the seventh chakra, a trap it does lay,
Mistaking nirvana for the end of the play.
Action is dharma, karma's embrace,
But tamas seeks stillness, a stagnant space.
Three forces entwined, dharma's guiding light,
Karma's flow steady, and tamas' dark night.
Beware the illusion, the serpent's embrace,
Seek the true balance, and find your right place.
Go back to 2. Illusion (Maya)
Leela (Eng) - TheLifeArtist.org - Healing Earth.org
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