
The mantra "Mayura" combined with the affirmation "I see beauty" focuses on recognizing and appreciating beauty in all its forms. This combination can help develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty around you and within yourself.
Mantra: Mayura
Affirmation: I see beauty
Meaning: "Mayura" means peacock in Sanskrit. The peacock symbolizes beauty, grace, and pride in many cultures. This mantra encourages you to see the world with an appreciative and admiring gaze, recognizing beauty in nature, in others, and in yourself.

Mudra: Mayura Mudra (Peacock Mudra)
Formation of the Mudra: Bend the ring finger inward to touch the thumb. Keep the other fingers extended and together.
Effects of the Mudra: Mayura Mudra symbolizes opening to beauty and grace. It helps in cultivating a sense of admiration and joy.
Meditation: Hold your hands like feathers above your head, as if you were a peacock spreading its feathers. Open them like a fan, revealing beauty.
- For Appreciating Beauty: Use this mantra and mudra to increase your awareness of beauty in all its forms.
- During Meditation or Reflection: To focus on the beauty of life and the world around you.
- To Remind Yourself of Your Own Unique Beauty and Worth:
It is in human nature to create beauty. It is part of evolution and flows from the soul's drive. Beauty takes many forms and expressions. Each is unique and special. See what touches you - where do you find recognition? Often, beauty is linked to purity and authenticity. See the sparkle and spirit through the form and connect with the essence behind the form.
Explanation of the Movement
In this dance, I depict the feathers of the peacock. As I open my feathers, I inwardly evoke a feeling of appreciation and beauty. How would you open your feathers to express beauty? Experience how you are seen in your grace and authenticity. Seduce yourself with your dance and optionally use a scarf or a fan. A flower in your hair or a head jewel can be the accent that makes you shine. I stay connected to my inner beauty and radiate it into my surroundings.
I expand my awareness of beauty and surround myself with a sense of appreciation.