Jai Gaia Ma

Mantra: Jai Gaia Ma
Affirmation: I celebrate life
Meaning: "Jai Gaia Ma" is a mantra that honors the earth, 'Gaia', as a divine mother. 'Jai' means 'victory' or 'praise', so together this mantra means "Honor to Mother Earth". It is a celebration of life, nature, and the nourishing power of the earth.

Mudra: Bhumi Sparsha Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: This mudra is formed by touching the earth with the right hand, while the left hand rests in the lap, palm facing upward. This symbolizes the connection to the earth and honoring its life force.
Effects of the Mudra: The Bhumi Sparsha Mudra gives a sense of humility, connection with nature, and gratitude for life.
Extension with Movement: Standing or sitting, begin with the Bhumi Sparsha Mudra. Inhale deeply and raise your arms to the sky, embracing the energy of life itself. As you exhale, bring your hands down towards the earth, symbolizing your connection to Gaia. Let this movement be fluid and grateful.
- Honoring Nature: Use this mantra and mudra to celebrate your connection with the earth and all its beings.
- During Gratitude Meditations: To develop gratitude for life and the natural world.
Bring the 5 elements into your living space. For example, with a small ritual using earth, water, air, fire, and ether (sound). Create an altar with seasonal elements from nature. Paint stones or shells with power symbols, make a spiral with gemstones, etc. Consciously light a candle and burn delightful scents: incense, essential oils, ... Celebrate life in your unique way: dance for the earth, walk barefoot, and honor the earth with every step you take. I am part of this wonderful whole.
Explanation of the movement
I create a connection between earth and sky. I open my heart. The arms form a semicircle with the heart as the central axis. The spinning is like the dervishes, bringing joy and connection between heaven and earth. You remain balanced between both poles. You look at your hand: this provides focus and prevents dizziness. The lateral movements continuously open and reconnect with the heart. You greet the Earth with dignity and respect. You are part of its embrace.
Jai Gaia Ma.
I cherish and protect the Earth.
I celebrate life.