
Mantra: O-Aha
Affirmation: I remain in wonder
Meaning: This mantra is an expression of the heart; a relief that lightens your heart. The mantra sounds like an expression of awe and wonder. It reminds us to stay open to the beauty and mystery of life. Using this mantra helps to maintain an attitude of curiosity and admiration, and reminds us to appreciate the wonders of the world around us.

Mudra: Hakini Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: Touch the tips of all your fingers together with both hands. Hold your hands in front of your third eye (the point between your eyebrows) or in front of your heart.
Effects of the Mudra: The Hakini Mudra is known for enhancing concentration and memory. It also helps in opening the mind to new insights and ideas.
Meditation: Begin in a comfortable position with the Hakini Mudra. Breathe deeply and lift your hands above your head, your eyes following upward. You open yourself to the greatness of the universe. As you exhale, slowly bring your hands back to the third eye or heart, symbolizing the internal processing of this wonder.
- To Open the Mind: Use this mantra and mudra when you want to open your mind to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences.
- For Meditation and Reflection: To cultivate a sense of awe and wonder while meditating or reflecting on the mysteries of life.
- In Daily Life: To remind yourself to maintain a sense of wonder and appreciation for the small things.
Inspiration: Invoking the wonder of a child within yourself opens gates. It is a different way of seeing that rejuvenates and makes your face shine. You develop a sensitivity to beauty. Life takes on a radiant color. While keeping both feet on the ground, you can experience lightness.
Explanation of the movement
Your gaze turns inward. Palming energizes your inner eye and brings relaxation. Your mask falls off by coming into neutrality. Slow down and connect with your heart. Cherish what is precious within you. Give this energy an intention, a color, or a scent. Receive a new life and look at your own creation with wonder. You bring this nascent energy outward, making it visible. You receive the blessings in surrender and feel gratitude within yourself.
I remain receptive to the wonders of life.