
Mantra: Satnam
Affirmation: Wisdom is within me
Meaning: "Satnam" is a Sanskrit term that translates to "I am my truth". This mantra is used in various spiritual traditions, particularly in Kundalini Yoga, to recognize and strengthen the connection with the inner self and the universal truth. It reminds us that wisdom and deeper truths are already present within us.

Mudra: Chin Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: Connect the tips of the thumb and index finger, while the other three fingers remain relaxed and straight. Form the Chin Mudra with the palms facing down, resting on the thighs.
Effects of the Mudra: Chin Mudra helps to promote calmness, clarity, and self-awareness. It is used in meditation to calm the mind and create a sense of receptivity.
Meditation: In a comfortable sitting or standing position with the Chin Mudra, breathe deeply and imagine that with each inhalation, you connect with the earth and with each exhalation, you raise your inner wisdom through your body.
- For meditation and mindfulness: For a deeper level of calmness and awareness.
- When seeking inner guidance: To open your mind to intuitive insights.
- For grounding and centering: By directing the palms downwards, this mudra helps to feel grounded and centered.
Your cells have a consciousness. A lot of information is stored in them. We often speak of a "gut feeling". You know and you recognize, and this goes beyond your thinking. Write your questions on paper and let them rest for a few days. Often, you will know the solution because it allows things to settle. When you surrender to stillness, you often get insights and know what to do or not do. Trust this wisdom. Give yourself space and time to reflect, beyond the fleetingness of existence.
Explanation of the movement:
Slowing down brings stillness. Channel your energy into these sounds of peace in a connected mudra flow. From concentration and space in your head, you anchor a deeper knowing. It is a way to get rid of the troubles around you. The fingers form a lemniscate, which represents the infinity to which we are connected. We connect to the Sacrum Mudra; the sacred place where the power of the kundalini resides, mesmerizing and connected to the wisdom within you. Feel a rising sun. You open the gate of heaven and let your light shine. You attract the power of the sun into your heart. Feel the warmth and trust, and connect with your deeper knowing.
From stillness, I trust my deeper understanding and awareness.