Om Shaktiye

Mantra: Om Shaktiye
Affirmation: I am life force
Meaning: This mantra is a celebration of "Shakti," the feminine energy or life force that flows through everything. "Om Shaktiye" acknowledges and invokes this powerful energy. It reminds us that we are ourselves a source of strength and vitality. Stimulate your own creativity to make your Shakti flow. Bring color into your life and allow more joy. It is the path from your head to your body. You experience more vibrancy and your eyes shine. Prejudices and perfectionism can inhibit freedom of expression.
Shakti is the universal principle of energy, dynamic power, or creativity. This energy is personified as feminine, as Shakti, the Universal Mother. She is inseparable from the one who beholds her. In the Tantric tradition, he is called Shiva.
The universe is in fact a product of this pair of opposites: one static (Shiva) and the other dynamic (Shakti).
Mudra: Lotus Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: Place the little fingers and thumbs together and form a lotus flower. The lotus here represents the power to create beauty from mud.

Effects of the Mudra:
This mudra stimulates the life force and celebrates creation.
During Meditation: To strengthen the connection with the inner power source. In Moments of Weakness or Fatigue: For more strength and to build inner stability.
Explanation of Movement Language
This mudra flow starts from your navel. It is an ode to your life force. You cherish your essence like a sparkling jewel. The flower opens in lotus mudra, the symbol of life. You let the sparkling jewel shine in your lotus flower. Contemplate and let the power grow within you from connection and feeling. You open your heart from the contact with your essence. Strengthen this mudra flow by adding an intention of what you want to create.
Stimulate your inner power source and embrace your creative power.