
The combination of "Ananda" with the affirmation "I am bliss" invites experiencing and embodying deep joy and inner happiness. Let's explore this inspiring combination together.
Mantra: Ananda
Affirmation: I am bliss
Meaning: "Ananda" means 'bliss' or 'ultimate happiness' in Sanskrit. This term is used to describe a state of pure joy and spiritual fulfillment. This mantra helps in experiencing deep inner joy, independent of external circumstances.
Satya means truth, reality, God. In the game of life (Leela), the player unfolds to discover their own true reality. The player who reaches this point achieves harmony and balance with the forces of the cosmos. There are no obstacles to the flow of their energy. Here, the player becomes Satchitananda (sat = truth, chit = being, ananda = bliss). They realize that Bliss is the Truth of Being. They are in a state of samadhi, like a drop resting in the ocean. They dwell in a sea of happiness. Their presence becomes divine, and they bestow grace upon other players.

Mudra: Ananda Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: Your arms are open, with palms facing upward, your elbows at shoulder height. This posture symbolizes joy and openness to receiving bliss.
Effects of the Mudra: The Ananda Mudra supports the cultivation of inner joy and serenity.
- For Cultivating Inner Joy.
- For celebrating balance and the synchronicities that flow to you.
- During Meditation: for experiencing more openness and receptivity.
Ananda is the awareness that you can be completely yourself. You feel supported by the universe. There is a complete flow between earth and sky forces. Bliss flows through you, and you feel one with everything. It is the result of the purifications of life itself. Through surrender and prayer, you receive Divine grace: a total, liberating energy.
Explanation of the Movement
This dance is an ode to life. Learn this dance of joy and connection with your essence. You place yourself in a circle of light. Internally evoke a sense of joy and gratitude. This dance connects you to the forces of heaven and earth, between inside and outside, between opening and centering, between right and left. Also, be aware of your eyes, your hands, your breathing, and your spine. As you do this, bring more lightness, connection, and grace into this ritual dance. Experience that the energy flows beyond the movement itself.
"Ananda" in combination with the Cosmic Mudra and this movement is a beautiful way to tune into the natural state of joy and bliss that is present in each of us. It reminds you that true joy comes from within and that you always carry it with you.
Ananda My true nature is joy and bliss.