Aya Maha

Mantra: Aya Maha
Meaning: Aya Maha invites you to radiate from your essence. Let your true nature shine with strength and authenticity.
Use in Meditation: Chanting "Aya Maha" strengthens your confidence and self-esteem.
Mudra: Surya Mudra (Sun Mudra)

Formation: This mudra is formed by bringing the ring finger to the base of the thumb and then placing the thumb over the ring finger. The other fingers remain extended. This mudra can be performed with both hands.
Symbolism of the Fingers: In the Surya Mudra, the ring finger represents the earth element and the thumb the fire element. Bringing these two together symbolizes increasing the energy or fire within us.
Effects: This mudra increases metabolism and creates warmth in the body. It helps to feel more energy and vitality, which aligns well with the mantra Aya Maha, which is about radiating from your essence.
Applications of Mantra and Mudra:
- For Self-Confidence: call upon your inner strength when lacking self-esteem.
- During Moments of Doubt: to bring you back to your core values and intuition.
- For Energy and Vitality: when you are tired and in need of a boost.
Explanation of Movement Language
Experience yourself from a connection in the center of the space. From this feeling, take up all the space and radiate like the sun. As you slowly turn, you are present in your power. Repeat this movement until you perceive a change. What do you wish to open up within yourself? In what way do you wish to be seen? Breathe deeply into this space.