The Tantra Vision

Deep Dive Podcast (English):

A collection of excerpts from The Tantra Vision (Volume 1 and 2), in which Osho speaks about the tantric path to enlightenment. He discusses the life and teachings of Saraha, a tantric master, and compares his approach to that of Shiva. Osho emphasizes the importance of awareness, surrender, and letting go of the ego to attain true freedom and happiness. He critiques religious dogmas and conventional thought patterns, encouraging self-observation and the acceptance of imperfection. The texts include anecdotes and parables to illustrate his points and explore themes such as sexuality, connection, and the nature of the self.

Download the books (English)

The Tantra Vision Volume 1 Pdf
PDF – 1,3 MB 23 downloads
The Tantra Vision Volume 2 Pdf
PDF – 1,3 MB 24 downloads

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