22. Plane of Dharma (Dharma-Loka)

I live in harmony with the cosmic truth, acting consciously and with integrity.
By following dharma*, I connect with my true nature and contribute to the well-being of all around me.
* Dharma is the path of conscious action in alignment with cosmic truth and the essential nature of all things. It encompasses qualities such as determination, forgiveness, self-control, and truth, guiding the player toward a life in harmony with the universe.
Om Dharma Shakti Namah
Plane of dharma
Dharma is whatever is right. Dharma is an ever-evolving, ever-flowing principle. Dharma is an atemporal, aspatial force working in human existence. Dharma is constant, but its form varies from situation to situation. It lives in the depths of reality. The player who finds the stream of dharma dwells in reality and becomes at one with it (at-one-ment follows atonement).
Conscious action is dharma — conscious action in accord with the reality of the moment. Learning to act consciously is learning to act in accord with the principles of the cosmos. So dharma is that action which accords with cosmic knowledge.
There are ten signposts of dharma, all of which must be present if the action is to accord with the law of dharma: firmness, forgiveness, self-command, restraint (nonstealing), cleanliness (purity), control of the sensory and work organs, intellect, right knowledge, truth, and absence of anger.
Whatever you feel is genuinely good for yourself is good for others. There is no dharma like doing good for others. There is no adharma, vice, worse than causing harm to another. Dharma can best be understood when related to conduct. Yet it is far more than a code of conduct, of morality and ethics. These are attributes of dharma but not all of dharma. Ethics is a reflection of dharma, not dharma itself.
The dharma of fire is to burn. The dharma of water is to quench. It is the dharma of water to create taste, as it is the dharma of fire to create color and form. The innate, essential nature of a thing is its dharma. And there is no escape from dharma. The moment there is a deviation the energy flows downward, drawing the player down with it. The arrows on this board are dharmas, virtues; the snakes adharmas, vices.
Though dharma exists always, beyond form, it assumes a special form for each player. It is the dharma of the player who lives in a cold climate to wear warm clothing. It is the dharma of the hungry man to take nourishment. It is the dharma of the student to meditate and partake of sadhana, spiritual discipline. It is the dharma of the child to play freely, without care for the world of the spirit. It is the dharma of the elderly to dwell in the realm of spirit. Dharma is the truth that holds all existence in proper relationship.
Dharma is the scaffolding on which is constructed the edifice of the self. As long as the building is not complete, the scaffolding holds the structure erect. The minute the building becomes self-supporting the scaffolding is removed and used for other unstable, evolving new buildings.
This artwork depicts the "Plane of Dharma" (Dharma-loka) with a focus on a meditating female figure. She is at the center, in a meditative pose, symbolizing a deep journey of self-awareness and alignment with dharma. Her aura or energy field is imbued with subtle visual cues representing the 10 signposts of dharma, each depicted through various colors, patterns, or light, indicating the diverse aspects of dharma she is aligning with.
The cosmic tapestry in the background, featuring elements like stars and galaxies, illustrates the universal and atemporal nature of dharma, emphasizing its pervasiveness and significance in the cosmos. A subtle architectural element resembling scaffolding is integrated into the background, symbolizing the support that dharma provides in the process of self-realization.
A path leading from the figure into the horizon signifies her journey of aligning with dharma, marked by milestones of realization. This composition captures the essence of dharma as a guiding and sustaining force in existence, emphasizing the role of inner alignment and understanding in one's spiritual journey.
Below is a version with a central figure that has a male body.

Dharma's Plane
Knowing what the moment needs, a wisdom clear and bright,
Aligning with the cosmic song, where darkness turns to light.
Ten guiding signs appear, a code for hearts to hold,
Firmness, forgiveness, self-control, a story yet untold.
Restraint and purity entwined, with senses held in check,
Intellect and knowledge bind, a path we must respect.
Truth and absence of all rage, a compass for the soul,
Doing good, on Dharma’s plane, a truth that makes us whole.
Proceed to 60. Subuddhi
Leela (Eng) - TheLifeArtist.org - Healing Earth.org
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