
Mantra: Om
Affirmation: I follow my inner voice
Meaning: "Om" is one of the most universal and profound mantras in the yoga tradition. It symbolizes the all-encompassing cosmic sound, the origin of all other sounds. This mantra is used to establish a connection with the universal, the divine. Combined with the affirmation "I follow my inner voice", it focuses on awakening and trusting your intuition and inner wisdom. This is a shortened version of Aum, where the "A" sound is less prominent. Aum vibrates more in the whole body, while Om focuses more on the throat and the third eye.

Mudra: Shankh Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: With your right hand, wrap around your left thumb. Join the right thumb and left index finger together. Keep the extended fingers of the left hand together. This forms a shell.
Effects of the Mudra: The Shankh Mudra is seen as listening to the primal sound of Mother Earth.
Slow down and quiet yourself. Be fully present in the moment. Your inward-focused attention connects with your heart. Listen to your breath and experience the sounds in your body. This way, you create space to experience fulfillment through your rich inner world. By following your inner voice, you gain energy.
Explanation of the movement:
A meditative movement with Shankh Mudra. Gather your energy and connect with inner knowing from your belly. The rocking motion balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain and calms your nervous system. Use the affirmation "I listen to my inner voice. I experience the value of quieting down." The "Om" mantra combined with Shankh Mudra and this movement helps to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition. It is a loving reminder to trust yourself and the paths you choose to follow.